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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Perak State Assembly's Report:
BN Had Made Perak A Police State

BN had made Perak a Police State.

Form right: YB Sivakumar, Datuk Seri Nizar, Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham.

YB Nga Kor Ming
They (BN Perak) invites police to step in and interfere in the State Assembly's proceedings, the Dewan was heavilyguarded to create white fear, all the 28 PR ADUN'S mike were off all the time, the media were prohibited from covering the sitting and media only allow to cover the event from public gallery where the mike of the PR ADUNs were off & cannot be heard, no standing order is allowed to be referred, no question can be asked, no debates on the Royal Address and all 28 PR Assembly persons were not allowed to debate the motion, the state buildingwhich cost RM100 million's taxpayer money only hold half day of the sitting.
The Democracy in the State is dead.
God save Malaysia!