诚聘: 文打烟区州议员私人助理,有兴趣者请联络 0196568282 魏宗贤



Friday, September 26, 2008

担心开斋节又水灾, 砂礼路居民盼改善水沟 Takut Akan Dilanda Banjir Kilat Berlaku Lagi Menjelang Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, Penduduk-penduduk Jalan Salleh Berharap Sistem Pe

陈瑞华(左一), 魏宗贤(右起)以及吴健成以及居民们要求有关当局尽快处理沟渠内的垃圾
Tan Swee Hua (dari kiri), YB Gwee Tong Hiang (dari kanan) bersama dengan Goh Kian Seng dan penghuni-penghuni Jalan Salleh berharap pihak yang berkenaan dapat membersihkan sampah sarap di dalam longkang hadapan rumahnya dengan secepat mungkin.


YB Gwee Tong Hiang membantu Kak Norhizah untuk membersihkan kaki lima rumahnya yang dilanda banjir kilat.

YB Gwee Tong Hiang membantu Makcik Maznah untuk membersihkan kaki lima rumahnya yang dilanda banjir kilat.

诺茜扎, 麻坡市议会工程师纳芝里, 文打烟区州议员魏宗贤

Norhizah, Jurutera MPM, Encik Nazri, ADUN Kawasan Bentayan YB Gwee Tong Hiang

诺西查女士,48岁住在门牌544, MP60/1, Jalan Salleh, Muar, Pangsapuri Indah 隔壁。诺西查女士日前向文打烟区州议员魏宗贤投诉经昨日凌晨一场大雨导致她的住家发生水灾。此次水灾可算是这九月分里最严重的一次了,该水灾导致诺西查女士的住家积水大约1尺半左右同时诺西查女士的厨房地面也遭受严重损坏使到诺西查女士感到很担忧。

事因诺西查女士住家前的水沟建设并不完善往往导致水灾事件不断发生。 诺西查女士表示她与家人感到相当忧心,生怕即将来临的开斋节也必须再次地面对水灾问题。

文打烟区州议员魏宗贤接获投诉后即与选区助理陈瑞华, 吴健成, 杜天罗前往灾区,并协助灾黎清洗屋子。同时,也联络麻坡市议会工程师纳芝里前来灾区巡视以便作出协助。纳芝里工程师在巡视灾区后向文打烟区州议员魏宗贤及事主作出承诺将向麻坡市议会争取改善事主住家前的沟渠并将该沟渠连接至Parit Stongkat的水沟以避免水灾事件再次发生。

玛芝娜女士,70岁住在门牌No. 546, MP60/1, Jalan Salleh, Muar, Pangsapuri Indah隔壁, 同时也是诺西查女士的婶婶. 玛芝娜女士日前向文打烟区州议员魏宗贤投诉她也面对与诺西查女士一样的问题。玛芝娜女士表示在这次的水灾事件导致她必须承受损失因为她的家具被水淹坏。

针对以上二起水灾事件州议员魏宗贤表示将把该民生问题带进即将来临的州议会里。 同时,也将向有关部门争取改善沟渠的问题以让当地居民拥有一个安宁及舒适的住家环境。 同时也将要求南方废料有限公司定期清理垃圾以避免照成垃圾阻塞逢雨必灾的问题不断地发生。出席今日记者发布会包括文打烟区州议员魏宗贤,魏宗贤选区助理陈瑞华, 颜健成, 杜天罗及麻坡市议会工程师纳芝里。

Takut Akan Dilanda Banjir Kilat Berlaku Lagi Menjelang Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, Penduduk-penduduk Jalan Salleh Berharap Sistem Perparitan Dapat Ditingkatkan.

Pada awal pagi iaitu lebih kurang 3.30 pagi, 25hb September, selepas hujan lebat kawasan Jalan Salleh, Muar telah menyebabkan berlakunya banjir kilat dikawasan tersebut, penduduk-penduduk Jalan Salleh membuat aduan kepada ADUN Kawasan Bentayan, YB Gwee Tong Hiang mengenai perkara yang tersebut dan menyatakan bahawa penduduk-penduduk Jalan Salleh tidak dapat tidur selesa kerana takut akan kawasan tempat tinggal mereka dilanda banjir kilat lagi.

Norhizah Bt Ishak (Umur 48) salah seorang penduduk yang tinggal di Jalan Salleh berkata, tempat tinggal beliau telah dilanda banjir kilat selepas hujan lebat dan kali ini adalah yang paling serius sekali, air bertakung setinggi 1 ½ kaki dan telah menyebabkan lantai dapur, almari kayu beliau rosak dan juga berasa amat risau dengan keadaan tempat tinggal beliau. Beliau juga menyatakan bahawa ia merupakan banjir kilat kali ke-4 dalam tempoh sebulan ini.

Beliau juga berkata, sistem perparitan di hadapan rumahnya tidak sempurna adalah punca utama yang menyebabkan tempat tinggal beliau selalu berlaku dilanda banjir kilat, beliau juga amat risau kerana Hari Raya Aidil Fitri yang bakal tiba dalam tempoh seminggu lagi dan sekiranya sistem perparitan tidak diselesaikan dengan kadar segera, perkara diatas bakal melanda penduduk-penduduk di Jalan Salleh sekali lagi.

Maznah Mahat (Umur 70) merupakan jiran kepada Norhizah Bt Ishak juga berkata, perabot-perabot rumah beliau telah rosak semasa dilanda banjir kilat kali ini.

Beliau berharap bahawa pihak Majlis Perbandaran Muar (MPM) dapat mengambil berat tentang masalah yang mereka hadapi dan dapat menyelesaikan masalah sistem peparitan di tempat tinggal mereka dengan sempurna.

ADUN Kawasan Bentayan YB Gwee Tong Hiang selepas menerima aduan daripada penduduk-penduduk Jalan Salleh telah pergi bersama-sama dengan beberapa orang pembantu beliau serta jurutera Majlis Perbandaran Muar, Encik Nazri untuk memantau keadaan di kawasan tersebut. Beliau juga turut membantu mangsa-mangsa di Jalan Salleh untuk membersihkan rumah mereka.

YB Gwee berkata, beliau akan membawa perkara tersebut ke Persidangan Dewan Negeri Johor yang akan mula bersidang mulai 30hb Oktober ini. Selain itu, YB Gwee juga akan meminta pihak yang berkenaan supaya dapat meningkatkan sistem perparitan supaya penduduk-penduduk setempat dapat tinggal dengan aman dan selesa.

YB Gwee juga akan meminta pihak SWM supaya membersihkan sampah-sarap yang terlonggok didalam parit hadapan rumah Puan Norhizah Bt Ishak dan Maznah Mahat dengan kadar segera.

Jurutera MPM, Encik Nazri juga berjanji akan membawa masalah ini di Mesyuarat Majlis Perbandaran Muar supaya dapat meningkatkan sistem perparitan di Jalan Salleh dan bercadang supaya parit tersebut dapat disambungkan sehingga ke Parit Stongkat untuk mengelakkan banjir kilat pada masa hadapan.

Monday, September 22, 2008


左一起 : 刘美玲, 周美美, 连丽洪, 峇吉里区国会议员余德华, 文打烟区州议员魏宗贤, 王运梁, 辜亚发, 魏淑梅, 蔡宝淼
后左起 : 李崇光, 吴健成, 篮美强, 林生发, 汤国钦, 陈世勇, 梁景华, 林国华, 吕燕玲, 颜雪慧



因此,为了让更多的民众能够更加了解民主行动党的理念,届时多位民主行动党中央重量级领袖将拨冗南下为麻坡峇吉里民众全民开讲, 他们有民主行动党国会领袖林吉祥,霹雳州行政议员倪可敏,雪州行政议员刘天球, 八打灵再也北区国会议员潘俭伟, 服务中心法律顾问彭学良及士乃区州议员黄高明。

超过80桌的餐券已售出, 反应非常热烈

目前, 我们已售出超过80桌的餐券, 反应非常热烈.
文打烟区州议员魏宗贤 019-6568282,
峇吉里区国会议员余德华 012-6964938,
王运梁 012-6238865,
辜亚发 017-6156006,
周良鹏 019-6656771,
魏淑梅 012-3898858,
陈瑞华 012-2783659,
邱添来 012-3018183,
林生发 012-6994344,
林金发 017-6518310,
李崇光 012-3614115,
陈世勇 016-6605544,
吴健成 012-7763236,
苏俊贤 016-6680550,
蔡宝淼 017-2381588,
汤国钦 012-6160867,
周美美 019-6370961,
连丽洪 019-6591858,
刘美玲 012-6590729或亲临
Wisma DAP Muar, No 48-28, Jalan Sakeh Baru, Taman Sakeh Baru, 84000 Muar, Johor
每张餐券售价40 零吉,凭券入场。

Saturday, September 20, 2008



魏宗賢呼吁,市民上網 http://freeteresa.dapmalaysia.org/ 以行動支持郭素沁,發動網絡簽名運動支持郭素沁。

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

文打烟区州议员魏宗贤在第十二届, 第三季州议会里的书面提问有关巴口巴都南巴路交通灯事件

峇吉里路6哩于10-06-2008发生小罗里撞电单车导致兄弟一死一重伤车祸事件。文打烟区州议员魏宗贤等一行人于11-06-2008前往巴口印尼村慰问死者父亲杜侑南先生及家属并且答应死者家属及当地居民将要求麻坡公共工程局尽快安装交通灯及把此事件带入州议会以让当地的居民能够感到安心, 也可避免不幸意外事件再度发生。

文打烟区州议员魏宗贤在第十二届, 第三季州议会里向政府作出提问并获得政府的答复。 政府表示有意在该交接路口增设交通灯及扩建该交接处。增设交通灯及扩建交接处的拨款, 政府已向吉隆坡公共工程局总部作出申请。 提升该交接处的费用大约RM300,000.00. 出席今日记者发布会包括文打烟区州议员魏宗贤, 选区助理蔡宝淼,巴口新村支部筹委会主席汤国钦及巴口新村支部筹委会秘书雷宝 亮。

Thursday, September 11, 2008


柔佛州務大臣使用的官車車牌號碼是JDT 1.


文打烟区州议员魏宗贤在州议会里询问有关柔佛州政府官车从2005年至2008年每年的维修费。州议员魏宗贤在柔佛州州务大臣所给予的答复里察觉在这四年里共有四辆官车那就是JDT 7, JDT 8, JDT 9 及JDT 12每月的维修费超过2千零吉,尤其是JDT 12 每月的维修费竟然是2千八百零吉反而州务大臣的官车JDT 1每月的维修费为五百零吉 (是否柔佛州州务大臣没有做工或州务大臣拥有另外一辆外国进口车没有呈报出来?) 文打烟区州议员魏宗贤表示现今经济不景希望有关部门能够节省开销, 所谓节俭是一种美德把省下的钱用来发展柔佛州各地让人民受益。





在2004年購入的官車中,車牌號碼JDT 13的維修費最少,從2005年至今只用了4萬1842令吉18仙;該官車使用者是州法律顧問。

至於維修費最高的官車是車牌號碼JDT 12,該車輛的維修費從2005年至今的費用達12萬2961令吉06仙;該官車的使用者是柔佛州青年及體育委員會主席。



JDT 1 柔佛州務大臣
JDT 2 柔佛州議長
JDT 3 柔佛州房屋、地方政府、公共工程和公共設施委員會主席
JDT 4 柔佛州婦女及家庭發展、社會福利及衛生委員會主席
JDT 5 柔佛州宗教委員會主席
JDT 6 柔佛州國際貿易、工業、能源、水務、通訊及環境委員會主席
JDT 7 柔佛州農業及農基工業委員會主席
JDT 8 柔佛州郊區及區域發展、藝術、文化及文物委員會主席
JDT 9 柔佛州企業發展及合作社、教育及高教委員會主席
JDT 10 柔佛州團結、人力資源、科技及創新委員會主席
JDT 11 柔佛州旅遊及國內貿易委員會主席
JDT 12 柔佛州青年及體育委員會主席
JDT 13 柔佛州法律顧問
JCS 1 柔佛州秘書
JCS 2 柔佛州財政司

Fighting for a better Malaysia

Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim
The Star, Thursday, September 11, 2008

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s most prominent anti-corruption and good governance activist, Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim, raised many eyebrows recently when he announced his new role as a politician by joining the DAP.

And in an unprecedented move, the DAP instantly appointed him a vice-chairman.

Tunku Aziz, 74, had a distinguished career in the corporate sector before being actively involved in Transparency International, the global coalition against corruption.

He has written and spoken widely on corruption and integrity issues both domestically and internationally and published his book, Fighting Corruption: My Mission.

He also served at the World Bank and in 2006 was invited to establish the United Nations Ethics Office as a Special Adviser to then secretary-general Kofi Annan.

Following are Q & A excerpts of the interview:

Q: Many are surprised that the Tunku Aziz that they know to be someone who is apolitical, who speaks out without fear or favour especially against corruption and for good governance, has decided to be actively involved in politics and to have joined the DAP.

A: No one seemed to be taking all those issues that I have been talking about all these years seriously. Those were very important issues, issues of the day.

And I’ve noticed that over time instead of the political situation in the country getting better, it has in fact grown worse from my perspective. So I decided that I would have to take a more active political interest because I’ve always believed that the future of this country really depends very much on how we deal with outstanding issues and there are many outstanding issues.

It’s all very well to talk about national unity but let’s scratch the surface a little and you would find that there are very serious undercurrents of suspicion, discontent, of a sense of being marginalised or excluded, and these are important issues.

I’ve always believed ever, since I was at school, on the need for a united country. To me the most important thing is loyalty to our country.

That is my No. 1 priority. It doesn’t matter what organisation I belong to, that does not change. I do not support anything which is extra-constitutional because the foundation of our country and our society is really the Constitution.

Q: Now, why did you choose to join the DAP?

A: I joined the DAP because I’ve been watching DAP for more than 20 years. I was highly suspicious of DAP because it seemed to me to be nothing more than an alternative Chinese party, it was chauvinistic.

But over time I’ve also seen that this party has remained steadfast to some of the values that I share, such as the need to fight corruption comprehensively, which has been my life-time concern, and also of course with fighting corruption we are obviously also fighting for transparency, accountability, and I’ve been not just advocating but encouraging companies and people to practise good governance.

And DAP is opening up. The fact that it remains a largely Chinese party, I think, is not their fault. It’s because Malays and other people have not joined the party. They have opened it up, they have declared themselves to be a party for all Malaysians.

It meets my own requirement in terms of the need for Malaysia to be a multi-racial country because we cannot really expect this country to progress divided, we have to unite. But unity can come about only if we develop and adopt policies which are inclusive.

It doesn’t matter what your political affiliations are as these affiliations merely demonstrate an important facet of the democratic system, which is that there is the freedom to be different, to espouse dissenting views. And I hope that the ruling party will accommodate all views provided they are constructive views and they are views that will not hurt the country.

I’m against any politician who, at the slightest hint of any problem in our country, rushes out to the outside world to compare this country with Zimbabwe, for example, and to regard this government as if it has no legitimacy. I think that is wrong. The fact that I belong to a political party does not mean that I’ve surrendered my own personal independence. There are views which I’ve held since I could remember and these views are important.

Q: What are your views on race relations in the country now?

A: As a Malay, naturally I would like to see the Malays being treated as the Constitution intended them to be treated. But I also recognise the fact that we cannot exclude the rights of other races.

While we want to protect the rights of the Malays as provided for under the Constitution, we must also ensure the rights of the non-Malays are also protected. And that really has been the real reason for accelerating my move into the political arena. But having said that, I’m not a political animal. I’m an advocate and activist for a clean (government) and transparency, accountability and for integrity in government.

I would like to see whichever party gets into power, I would like to see that party behave in an ethical way in the management of the country’s affairs because people must not forget that what may look as well within the law or as legal may not necessarily be ethical and that is an important issue.

It’s a real dilemma for someone to say that I’m going to give up my independence which I’ve cherished and valued for years which enabled me to speak without fear or favour.

But now the same message which I’ve been putting out will be looked at in a totally different light, but you know Tunku Aziz the person is still the same man, he hasn’t changed and to me it’s like saying now that you have gone into the political arena and therefore you are different. I’m not different, I’m the same person still believing in all those things which I’ve been promoting.

Q: You spoke earlier about certain things in the country that have not only not improved but have gone from bad to worse. Can you cite some examples?

A: While we have achieved a great deal in terms of development, the question I’ve always asked myself is at what cost. Let’s talk about unethical public behaviour, which seems to be getting worse. We’ve just been reading about more cases of corruption and a flurry of arrests by the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA).

These are things that you and I have known happen all the while but this merely confirms what we already know. But there is so much rhetoric. There is no government in the world that has not come into power with this flag-waving “we will fight corruption and so on and so forth”. It is not just in Malaysia but I was hoping that we in Malaysia would be different, but I’ve not seen that happening.

Q: Back to corruption, are you encouraged by the ongoing flurry of arrests by the ACA?

A: It is very encouraging because, for years and years, some of us have been saying that the ACA should be made into an independent commission. The ACA has repeatedly said that it was independent. But again, we knew they were not.

It is up to the ACA now to tell the Government this is the form we want the new Anti-Corruption Commission to take. The Government should be listening to the people (on) what kind of ACA we want in Malaysia.

But what I really would like to see is the ACA being given the power, if they have not got it already, to go out to anyone who is suspected of being involved in corrupt practices or anyone who evidently is living beyond his means and say “Sir or Madam, how do you account for this?”, put the onus on that person. But this has not happened.

I tell you if they were only to do this, as Hong Kong is doing or has done, they would have a lot more success. So there is a lot of foot-dragging.

I am convinced the ACA, if you want it to be based on the Hong Kong model which is really the benchmark, I think it should have many of the positive aspects of the Hong Kong set-up, and one of them is the power to go to anyone in the land, whoever, put the onus on them to please account for their assets and wealth. I think that is one thing that would ensure that people will really be frightened to commit corruption.

Q: You are now not only a member of the DAP. Instantly you have been made one of the five vice-chairmen. Did it come as a surprise to you that you straightaway became a vice-chairman?
A: Yes, it did. Because, when I wanted to join the DAP, my intention was simply to join as a member, not to hold any high position, so it did come as a surprise but at the same time I feel that they put me into the policy-making body.

I think that would enable me to influence the way DAP develops in terms of the things I’ve been speaking about but also more particularly to make them become a more Malaysian organisation so that they are not seen as just a Chinese party in disguise or chauvinistic. In fact they must be more Malaysian than Malaysian.

If we are talking about a united, strong, cohesive nation. I think we’ve had 51 years of that to really create the sort of country that the founding fathers had intended it to be. Whether it was Datuk Onn Jaafar, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Abdul Razak, Tun Hussein Onn, that vision which really was the factor that made all these people sacrifice so much. Tun Dr Ismail, for example, and Tun Razak both were unwell; they could have just spent time with their families but they didn’t. Why? Because their vision was for a strong Malaysia, for a Malaysia that is respected internationally.

I’ve always used the phrase, Malaysia to be at the top of the table and not be picking up scraps from the floor. We should be there, we have the capacity to be there. I think we can really develop a strong nation. So we have to come up with ideas, policies which will be seen to be compatible with the aspirations of the people. This is essential.

Q: To balance things up, giving credit where it’s due, what are some of the country’s achievements over the last 51 years of independence?

A: Well, it would not be fair to merely highlight what we see as the negatives. There are definitely lots of positives as well. The country today has achieved development status which many countries are still dreaming about, are envious of. I’ve been asked by Universiti Malaya’s Institute of Policy Studies to give lectures to people from other countries like Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, the Sudan and India, Nepal and I sometimes have a quiet cry.

When they say what a wonderful country Malaysia is, the things that they could only dream about and they always ask you what do you do to achieve this, so successive governments must have done something right. You cannot just criticise them.

But of course what we are talking about is how much better we could all have been. We could have been a truly great and united country if only we had paid more attention to the concerns of our people of all races in a fairer and more just way. That is what this nation should be all about and that’s what our religion is all about. It doesn’t preach unfairness, it doesn’t preach corruption.












Friday, September 5, 2008

Ahmad Ismail: 'I did Nothing Wrong'

Datuk Ahmad Ismail caused an uproar with his statement about the Chinese
New Straits Times, September 5th 2008
PUTRAJAYA: As the criticism against him continued, Datuk Ahmad Ismail yesterday came forward to make his stand.

“There is no reason for me to apologise. I did nothing wrong.” Many quarters have criticised the Bukit Bendera Umno division chairman’s remarks about the Chinese. Several police reports have been lodged against him.

There have been strong calls for him to apologise, be charged under the Sedition Act and sacked from Umno.

Ahmad said he would hold a press conference tomor row.

“I will meet all of you after the Umno liaison meeting.” Ahmad said the police had recorded his statement.

Asked why he did not come forward earlier when the issue was first brought up, he said he had been leading a team to the King’s Cup sepak takraw tournament in Bangkok.

He also dismissed suggestions that he had been in hiding due to the intense media attention.

“That was never the case. I didn’t disappear. I also did not say I was going to turn up at the Bukit Mertajam police headquar ters.”
Penang deputy police chief Senior Assistant Commissioner I Datuk Salleh Mat Rasid had said that Ahmad had failed to turn up on Tuesday after being asked to.

He also refused to comment on Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s apology over the remark, saying it was a sensitive matter.

Police are investigating reports lodged against him in George Town, Bukit Mertajam, Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

'NEGARAKUKU' Rapper Courted By Politicians

Members of Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat have approached Wee Meng Chee.

New Straits Times
By SIm Bak Heng

MUAR: The Malaysian student, whose rap version of the Negaraku was widely criticised last year, claims that he has been courted by politicians from both the Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat since early this year.

Wee Meng Chee, 25, who graduated from a Taiwanese university recently, said he had rejected the overtures because he was not interested in politics. "I am a straightforward person. Black is black and white is white," said Wee."

In politics, black could be turned into white, and white could be painted black. You would not know what is in the mind of others. "One moment, they could be your friend and in the next moment, they turn into your enemy.

"I am concerned about the political developments in the country but I don't want to get involved in politics."

This is despite the fact that several political parties from both the Barisan Nasional and the Pakatan Rakyat approached me." Wee's Negarakuku touched on issues like race and religion and was featured on the Internet.

After he graduated from the Ming Chuang University in Taiwan, Wee and three friends embarked on a one-month journey from July 31 to film a documentary about the lives of Malaysians overseas.

He completed the filming and returned to Malaysia last Friday.The 90-minute documentary was filmed in Hong Kong, Macau, China, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand.

Wee said several leaders from a political party came to Taiwan in February and asked for his help to compose a song for the March 8 general election.

He said he did not do it because he had no inspiration.

"Last Sunday, another political party invited me to see its leader in Kuala Lumpur. No reasons were given, so I turned it down," he said.

He believed that these parties either wanted to recruit him as a member or to get him to write songs for them.Wee, who graduated in media studies, said he had composed more than 400 songs in the past 10 years.

Asked if he was worried about returning to the country following his controversial Negarakuku, Wee said he was not as Malaysia was his homeland. "At the Bukit Kayu Hitam entry point, my friends entered first to check if there was any warrant for my arrest. Only when they said the coast was clear, did I enter.

"I am more worried that my one-month recordings will be seized by the authorities," he said.

Man 'Shot Dead' By Police Still Alive

T. Murugan showing a newspaper article that reported him as one of the robbers shot dead by police. Inset: The picture of Murugan that appeared in newspapers on Wednesday.

New Straits Times
By V. Shanker Ganesh

KLANG: When T. Murugan's relatives and friends read the newspapers yesterday, they were shocked to learn he was part of a robbery gang and had been shot dead by police.

But when they went to his house in Bukit Tinggi here, expecting a funeral, they were even more shocked.

The 27-year-old was alive and well.

Murugan had lost his identity card in a robbery in February. It was this card which was found on the body of one of four armed robbery gang members shot dead in Shah Alam on Tuesday.

The dead robber actually had two cards on him and police could not establish his identity at the time.

Murugan said he was at a clinic where his pregnant wife was having a check-up when his brother called his mobile phone to tell him that his picture had been splashed in local newspapers as a member of a robbery gang shot dead by police.

"I was shocked, as were my friends and relatives who turned up at my house for the 'funeral'. The most shocking thing was that I was said to have been involved in a robbery gang. I don't have any criminal record," he said.

Murugan said he had lost his identity card in a robbery and had since replaced it.

Showing his new card, Murugan said police should have ascertained the true identity of the man who was holding his stolen card before releasing his name and picture to the media.

Accompanied by Kapar member of parliament S. Manikavasagam and lawyer N. Surendran, Murugan later lodged a report at the district police headquarters.

In his report, he demanded an open apology from the police due to their actions in releasing his name as it had defamed him and his family.

Manikavasagam said police should have been thorough in their investigations and could have compared the face of the dead man with the photo in the identity card.

Surendran said the case showed gross incompetence on the part of police.

"This is also gross negligence as they have embarrassed him and his family.

"He said he would be initiating a defamation suit against the Selangor police chief and the government.

State Criminal Investigation Department chief Senior Assistant Commissioner II Hasnan Hassan, however, blamed the media for publishing the photo.

"We had not positively identified the suspect and the papers had published his photo.

"In Tuesday's incident, police had lain in wait for the robbers, said to be the new Mamak Gang, after receiving a tip-off that they would hit a petrol station in Shah Alam.

When they were challenged, the gang members fired several shots at police, prompting a return of fire which killed four men in a car. Two other gang members in another car managed to escape.

Sedition Probe Begins Into Ahmad's Remarks

New Straits Times
By Andrey Dermawan

GEORGE TOWN: Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail is being investigated under the Sedition Act 1948 for allegedly remarking that "Malaysians of Chinese origin are merely squatting in this country and hence, not entitled to equality".

State deputy police chief Datuk Salleh Md Rashid said police had received five reports in connection with the statement.The reports were lodged at the Bukit Mertajam, Datuk Keramat and Jalan Patani police stations respectively, while another two were lodged in Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya."
We will record Ahmad's statement soon to assist in our investigations. In fact, we were supposed to record his statement on Tuesday but there was a no-show from him. Maybe he will show up later today (yesterday).
"We will also record statements from other witnesses," he said here yesterday.

Ahmad is accused of making the statement which was widely reported in Chinese newspapers in the run-up to the just-concluded Permatang Pauh by-election.
Since then, numerous quarters, including Gerakan and DAP, had urged for action to be taken.
On Tuesday, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak apologised on Umno's behalf for the statement allegedly made by Ahmad. Najib stressed that the statement did not reflect the stand of the party.
Salleh also expressed hope for the investigations to be completed by the end of this week. He advised the people to remain patient and not to further instigate racial issues with regard to the case.
"Ahmad is still in the state since we last tracked him on Tuesday," he said, but declined to comment on whether police had visual recordings of the controversial speech.
When contacted, Ahmad refused to comment but said he would issue a statement within a day or two.

USM Chosen As Apex University Over UM

New Straits Times
By Regina Lee

PUTRAJAYA: Universiti Sains Malaysia has been chosen to be the country’s first Apex university.

The university was chosen based on its state of readiness, its transformation plan and preparedness for change.
USM scored an upset against the older and the higher ranked Universiti Malaya, as well as beating Universiti Kebangsaan and Universiti Putra Malaysia, which had also been shortlisted.
“It is not about the ranking. We are just choosing the most suitable one for the programme.“Apex is about the future. We are not talking about the position of the universities, but we are identifying one that can go leaps and bounds into excellence with government help,” said Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin here yesterday.

He added that USM’s transformation theme that could unify all its seven niche fields and its impressive Key Performance Index were among factors that convinced the ministry that it deserved the Apex status.
The university’s five-year budgetary plan will be taken into consideration, with the government making a decision in the 2010 Budget.
Bigwigs from the university will soon be called to discuss with the ministry a viable implementation plan for autonomy.The ministry also has another programme to develop centres of excellence within non-Apex universities.
New or emerging institutions will also be given focus.“Being an Apex university is a long and transformative journey which the institution will have to undertake on its own.
“Depending on USM’s performance, if it can stand on its own soon enough, then we can look into getting another university to be an Apex univer-sity.
“But I expect USM to be ranked in the top 200 in the ratings such as the Times Higher Education Supplements ranking in five years, and ma-ke it into the top 100 by 2020.”
In the latest THES ranking, USM is listed in 307th place, while UM is the highest ranked local university at 246th place.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008



陈瑞正先生, 35岁住在Lorong Surau, Parit Beting 即Tun Perak学校后面。 陈先生日前向文打烟区州议员魏宗贤投诉有关他的住家前的道路每逢下雨天时往往都造成聚水。 事因麻坡市议会在陈先生住家前建设路墩以致雨水无法流通导致聚水,同时也造成陈先生一家人及附近的居民很大的不便。 陈先生也感到很担心因为他的孩子尚小,聚水的高度大约1尺高左右这将危害到小孩的性命。

与此同时, 陈先生住家对面的沟渠也因为市议会长久没有清理而导致野草丛生及蚊虫繁生, 这将严重影响当地居民的健康及安全。 因此陈先生与当地居民希望有关当局能够尽快解决以上问题,以让当地居民能够有个清洁及安全的住家环境。 李先生感到很不满因为多次向市议会做出投诉但是多次的投诉都没有下文, 因此才转而向文打烟区州议员魏宗贤投诉。 陈先生身为纳税人本应拥有权力住在环境卫生较好的地方.


苏亚财先生, 35岁住在Lorong Paip, Parit Beting。 苏先生目前面对他的住家前的道路每逢下雨天时就变成“水路”。 事因苏先生住家前的道路被麻坡市议会改造成柏油路, 但是麻坡市议会却只在该道路的左右两旁铺上沥青而道路的中间却没有铺上沥青这导致每逢下雨天该路段将严重聚水, 这不但导致公路使用者的不便也危害到公路使用者的性命。 该地段的聚水必须在多日后方能退去, 这使到当地的居民面对出入家门受阻碍的问题。 因此苏先生与当地居民希望有关当局能够尽快解决以上问题,以让当地居民能够有个舒适的住家环境。 苏先生感到很不满因此才转而向文打烟区州议员魏宗贤投诉。 州议员魏宗贤感到很遗憾市议会没有好好地处理公共设施以致苏先生住家前的道路常常发生聚水导致当地居民日常生活遭受影响。

州议员魏宗贤感到很遗憾市议会没有清理陈先生住家对面的沟渠造成陈先生及当地居民面对健康受影响。 州议员希望有关当局能够尽快处理此事件还当地居民一个安宁及清洁的环境, 州议员也表示将致函市议会主席反映此事件的严重性。 出席今日记者发布会包括文打烟区州议员魏宗贤, 魏宗贤选区助理蔡宝淼, 陈瑞华。